1. Informazioni su questo documento

Questo documento definisce le nostre condizioni generali che regolano l’uso dei nostri siti Web e servizi.

2. Il tuo accordo

Utilizzando i nostri siti Web, confermi il tuo consenso a questi termini di utilizzo del sito Web e ti impegni a rispettarli.

3. Chi siamo questi termini d'uso del sito Web

Questi sono i termini di utilizzo del sito Web Jumble (indicati come “noi”, “noi” o “nostro”).

4. Contattateci

In caso di domande sul nostro sito Web o sulle presenti condizioni d’uso, inclusi eventuali reclami, vi preghiamo di contattarci via e-mail a info@jumbleproject.com

5. Che cosa coprono questi termini?

Le presenti condizioni d’uso del sito Web definiscono le condizioni alle quali il nostro sito Web, le e-mail e i servizi possono essere visitati, consultati e utilizzati e sono supplementari rispetto a qualsiasi altro termine che potremmo applicare di volta in volta. I riferimenti a “tu” e “tuo” si riferiscono a qualsiasi persona che visita, naviga o utilizza in altro modo il nostro sito Web o riceve una qualsiasi delle nostre e-mail.

6. Quali siti Web sono coperti da questi termini?

Questi termini coprono tutti i nostri siti Web, compresi quelli ai seguenti indirizzi e qualsiasi altro sito Web su cui vengono visualizzati: www.jumbleproject.com

7. Lingue

Il nostro sito Web e eventuali prenotazioni o altre transazioni condotte attraverso questo sito Web sono in lingua inglese o italiana.

8. Accesso ai nostri siti Web

8.1 Disponibilità del sito Web
I nostri siti Web saranno disponibili solo nei momenti in cui potremo decidere e non garantiamo che i nostri siti Web o qualsiasi contenuto del sito Web siano sempre disponibili o ininterrotti. È possibile sospendere i nostri siti Web in qualsiasi momento senza preavviso e per qualsiasi motivo, inclusi aggiornamento, manutenzione, riparazione, prevenzione di danni e indagini. Possiamo sospendere, ritirare, interrompere o modificare in tutto o in parte i nostri siti Web in qualsiasi momento senza preavviso. Non saremo responsabili nei tuoi confronti (anche per negligenza) se il nostro sito Web non è disponibile per qualsiasi motivo e non avremo alcun obbligo nei tuoi confronti per assicurarti che i nostri siti Web siano disponibili in qualsiasi momento.

8.2 I tuoi sistemi
Sei responsabile di prendere tutte le disposizioni necessarie per avere accesso ai nostri siti Web, incluso software compatibile e organizzare l’accesso a Internet. Sei anche responsabile di garantire che tutte le persone che accedono al nostro sito tramite la tua connessione Internet o il computer siano a conoscenza di questi termini di utilizzo e altri termini e condizioni applicabili e che siano conformi a essi.

8.3 Nessun abuso
Non devi abusare dei nostri siti Web introducendo consapevolmente virus, trojan, worm, bombe logiche o altro materiale dannoso o tecnologicamente dannoso.

Non devi tentare di ottenere l’accesso non autorizzato ai nostri siti Web, al server su cui sono memorizzati i nostri siti Web o qualsiasi server, computer o database collegato ai nostri siti Web. Non devi attaccare i nostri siti Web tramite un attacco Denial of Service o un attacco Denial of Service distribuito. Infrangendo questa disposizione, commetteresti un reato. Segnaleremo tali violazioni alle autorità di contrasto competenti e coopereremo con tali autorità divulgando loro la tua identità. In caso di tale violazione, il diritto di utilizzare i nostri siti Web cesserà immediatamente.

9. Compilazione dei moduli e correzione degli errori

9.1 Informazioni obbligatorie
Quando completi qualsiasi richiesta, prenotazione o altri moduli sul nostro sito Web, alcune informazioni sono obbligatorie prima che tu possa inviarci i moduli. I requisiti informativi obbligatori sono chiaramente identificati e indicati da un asterisco (*). Ti verranno richieste queste informazioni se tenti di inviare un modulo in cui mancano questi dati obbligatori. Laddove qualsiasi informazione non sia contrassegnata da un asterisco, tale informazione è facoltativa e, se lo si desidera, è necessario compilarla.

9.2 Precisione delle informazioni
Quando ci invii informazioni, anche in connessione con una registrazione, una richiesta o una prenotazione, devi assicurarti che siano vere, accurate, aggiornate e complete sotto tutti gli aspetti e dichiari che lo sono. Faremo affidamento sulle tue informazioni fornite.

9.3 Correzione errori
Quando si esegue qualsiasi richiesta, prenotazione, ordine, registrazione o altri processi sul nostro sito Web, è possibile in qualsiasi momento prima di inviare utilizzare il pulsante Indietro sul browser per tornare indietro e correggere o modificare qualsiasi informazione. Se ritieni che ci sia un errore nelle informazioni fornite dopo averle inviate, puoi contattarci in qualsiasi momento per correggerle.

10. Processo di prenotazione

10.1 Ammissibilità
Devi aver compiuto 18 anni (18) o più per effettuare una prenotazione o altrimenti effettuare un ordine da noi.

10.2 Procedura di ordinazione
Il nostro sito Web non costituisce offerta legale. Per effettuare una prenotazione con o attraverso di noi o in altro modo acquistare da noi utilizzando i nostri siti Web, è necessario seguire la procedura stabilita sui nostri siti Web e non verrà stipulato un contratto se non in conformità con la procedura spiegata sui nostri siti Web.

10.3 Termini di prenotazione e fornitura
Tutti i servizi e prodotti che forniamo, e tutte le prenotazioni effettuate, sono forniti e realizzati e soggetti ai nostri termini e condizioni di prenotazione. Accetti che se una prenotazione o un ordine viene effettuato da o per te, verranno applicati i nostri termini e condizioni di prenotazione e altri termini di fornitura.

11. Dettagli attività, modifiche e cancellazioni

11.1 I prezzi sono soggetti a modifiche senza preavviso

11.2 Le attività richiedono buone condizioni di salute da parte di tutti i partecipanti. Ciò è definito come: essere in grado di camminare in diverse condizioni meteorologiche possibili; Nessuna patologia cardiaca o altra condizione preesistente che può avere un rischio maggiore a causa dell’attività fisica. Sei il solo responsabile delle tue condizioni di salute.

11.3 Cancellation of activities booked through Jumble site booking system

  • 7 Days (168 Hrs) or more before the beginning of the activity: 100% refund
  • Less than 7 Days (168Hrs) before the beginning of the activity: no refund

11.4 Customized activities booked through Jumble contact form or any other channel (email, phone) different from the Jumble site booking system.

  • 14 Days (336 Hrs) or more before the beginning of the activity: 100% refund
  • Less than 14 Days (336Hrs) before the beginning of the activity: no refund


11.5 Jumble can always, at any time, cancel the activity for unexpected impossibility to run it. In this case, a refund equivalent to the cost of the spots purchased will always be recognized.

11.6 Third Party Tours or products and services not operated directly by Jumble are subject to the booking terms and conditions of the company that operates the product

11.7 The activities will take place even with bad weather conditions, unless the manager of the activity considers these conditions as dangerous for the safety of the participants or in any case not suitable for carrying out the activity. In this case, a 100% refund of the ticket cost will be issued.

11.8 Unless otherwise stated, the activity manager will conduct it in English and/or Italian, depending on the guests provenience.

11.9 Dogs are welcome if well behaved. The activity manager can at any time deny the participation of guests whose animals disturb the other participants. In this case, no refund is due.

11.10 Starting and finishing points are subject to change

11.11 You are requested to be present at the meeting point at least 10mins before the beginning time.

11.12 Beginning times of our activities cannot be delayed. In case guest will not be present at the meeting point at the scheduled time, the activity manager will wait up to 10 mins after the beginning time before to start. After that time, will not be possible to join the activity and no refund will be due.

11.13 Children under 18 must be accompanied by adults.

11.14 Personal Insurance is NOT included on tours. Guests must make their own arrangements prior to travel

11.15 Accident or loss of property on any tours, including damage, will not be the responsibility of Jumble, unless due to our negligence, in which case our liability is limited to a maximum of the refund of the tour cost

11.16 Price inclusions are details in full on each page and subject to change without notes

11.17 Activities operate subject to demand. In the event of ‘Places of Interest’ being closed, or road conditions preventing the activity operating as advertised, every endeavour will be made to substitute an alternative, but we do reserve the right to cancel or alter arrangements. We may, at our discretion, require any person to withdraw from any tour if we deem their acts or conduct offensive or nuisance to other passengers

12. Our Website Content

For the purposes of these terms “our website content” is defined as everything making up our websites or which is otherwise downloaded as part of or through our websites, including any services, functionality, trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, images, sounds, music, video, audio or text on our websites, and including any code comprised in our websites such as javascript, flash objects, cookies, HTML, and CSS. However references to “our website content” does not include anything you post to our website, including through the use of any community functionality we provide on our websites as detailed below.

12.1 Not advice
Our website content is provided for general information only, with the understanding that we are not engaged in the rendering of legal or other professional advice or service. Your reliance on or use of our websites and website content is entirely at your own risk.

12.2 Validity and Change
Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on our site, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on our site is accurate, complete or up-to-date. In any event, our website content is only valid at the time it is downloaded and may change on a subsequent visit to our websites. We shall be entitled to change our website content from time to time, and cease providing any particular website content (including part, functionality or service of our websites), without notice, and for any reason.

12.3 Errors
We do not guarantee that our websites or any website content will be free from errors or omissions There may be mistakes and errors in our website content which we fail to notice, which will not be binding on us. We reserve the right to correct any errors in our website content and to change any of our website content (including services, products, availability, and pricing) at any time without notice, including in any booking or order you have submitted or contract you have entered into with us on the basis of it. If any correction affects any booking or order you have submitted or contract you have entered into with us to your material detriment, then we will give you the opportunity to cancel the booking, order or contract rather than accept the change.

12.4 Viruses
Whilst we make all reasonable attempts to exclude viruses from our websites and website content, we cannot ensure that they will be none or that our websites will not be subject to unauthorised access or modification. Thus, you are recommended to take all appropriate safeguards on your computer or other devices (including installing appropriate protective software) before downloading any of our website content.

12.5 Third-Party Websites
If we include a link to a third-party website (e.g. a banner advertisement) in our website content then you should note that these third-party websites are not our responsibility and you visit them at your own risk. By providing these links, we are not endorsing, sponsoring or recommending such sites or the materials disseminated by or services provided by them, and we are not responsible for the materials, services or other situations at or related to or from any other site. We are not responsible for the direct or indirect consequences of your navigating to any other website from our websites. If you supply any personal data to them, you should read their privacy policy.

12.6 Our Copyright
You acknowledge that all copyright, designs, database rights, trademarks, patents, and all other intellectual property and material rights relating to our website content (and in the selection and arrangement thereof) is and remains our sole and absolute property. You are granted no right, licence or interest in or to our website content or any intellectual property rights in it, except for the browsing licence detailed below, and all other rights are reserved. In particular, you are not permitted to screen scrape or otherwise copy or use our website content except for the purposes of browsing our website as a customer or potential customer under the licence below.

12.7 Browsing Licence
We hereby grant you a licence to download and run the pages of our website we make accessible to you, in a web browser, and to store them in the web browser cache, for the purposes of enabling you to browsing and using our website as a customer or potential customer, or as an agent for a specific customer or potential customer, whether online or offline. You are also permitted to store (as a local copy on your computer file system, outside the browser cache) a copy of, or print off, any web pages we make accessible to you from our website, for your own private records and future reference, provided that you are again doing so as a customer or potential customer, or as an agent for a specific customer or potential customer. Except for as expressly provided by the foregoing licence, you may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, commercially exploit, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any of our website content, or use our websites, or any of our website content, to further any commercial purpose, including any advertising or advertising revenue generation activity on your own website. We may terminate the above download licences at any time.

12.8 Linking to our site
You may link to our home page, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. You must not establish a link to our websites in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists. Our websites must not be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of our site other than the home page. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.

13. Your conduct and content

13.1 Use of our websites
You agree to use our websites only for lawful purposes reasonably connected to the intended purposes of our websites, and you must not use our websites for or in connection with any unlawful or criminal activity. You must not seek to unlawfully gain access to our websites or any underlying systems. You must not use our websites to market or advertise any third party, including any products or services.

13.2 Community functionality
We may offer comment and review facilities, message boards, forums, photo galleries and other community functionality from time to time, which enable you and others to post content to our websites. As we are sure you are aware, anything you post online is available for the world to see, and may be subject to moderation or deletion by us at any time. You agree that you will be personally responsible for your use of all community functionality and for all of your communication and activity on and pursuant to our websites. If we determine that you are or have been engaged in prohibited activities, were not respectful of other users, or otherwise violated the terms and conditions, we may deny you access to our websites on a temporary or permanent basis. We will not be responsible, or liable to any third party, for the content or accuracy of any content posted by you or any other user of our websites. Please exercise discretion when communicating with others using out community functionality, and never make any assumptions about them. The views expressed by other users on our site do not represent our views or values.

13.3 Your content
You shall ensure that anything your post to our website (including text and pictures), whether through any community functionality or otherwise: (a) reasonably relates solely to us and our products and services; (b) is in accordance with any rules or acceptable use policies we may publish from time to time; (c) is not posted in breach of any duty of confidentiality or in infringement of any rights of a third party; (d) is not unlawful, defamatory, threatening, racist or libelous, or incitement to hatred or violence; (e) is not detrimental to people, institutions, or religions or to people’s privacy; (f) capable of causing harm to minors or unwarranted distress to any person; (g) is not detrimental to our trade marks or our website content; (h) is not personal data of a third party; (h) is not using our site to promoting and advertise any businesses, product, service or other thing; (i) does not advocate illegal activity or discuss illegal activities with the intent to commit them; (j) is not vulgar, obscene, discourteous or indecent; (k) is not software. Any content you upload to our community functionality will be considered non-confidential. We also have the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any content posted or uploaded by you to our websites constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, or of their right to privacy, or any breach of law.

13.4 Licence of your content
In relation to anything you post to our website (including text and pictures), whether through any community functionality or otherwise, you hereby grant to us a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferrable, licence, with the right to grant sub-licences, to use, copy, edit, distribute, adapt, publish, translate, publicly perform and display, create derivative works from and do anything else whatsoever with that content, including (without limitation) publication and republication in any form, medium or technology (whether now known or later developed) in any part of the world. In particular, by posting a message or other content on our websites (including sending in photos to any photo gallery), you understand that such content becomes public domain and therefore may be used by us for marketing and other purposes without any compensation required to be paid to you. You waive all moral rights (including to be identified as the author) in relation to such content. You warrant that you have the right to grant the licence above and that the exercise by us of that licence shall not infringe any copyright or other intellectual property rights in any part of the world.

14. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

14.1 No prejudice to consumer rights
If you are acting as a consumer (i.e. an individual acting for their private purposes not associated with a business or profession) nothing in these terms shall affect your legal rights as a consumer to the extent they may not be excluded or limited by law, and the following terms shall be read subject to this.

14.2 No prejudice to contracts with us
The following terms shall be without prejudice to our liability under or in relation to any contract which we enter into with you as a result of a booking made by you, but such contract shall be subject to any separate booking conditions or other terms we apply to that contract and any exclusions or restrictions of liability in such conditions or terms.

14.3 Disclaimer of negligence
We disclaim and exclude any duty of care which we may owe you in respect of our website and website content, and we shall have no liability to you in negligence with respect to our websites or website content.

14.4 No promise as to quality and exclusion of implied terms
We provide each of our websites and website content “as is” and “as available”, without warranty, guarantee, or promise as to its quality, condition, fitness for purpose, availability, suitability, or functionality. We do not represent or warrant that our website content is accurate, complete or current, and we shall have no liability whatsoever in respect of any use which you make of our website content. We hereby exclude to the fullest extent permitted by law all implied warranties, terms and conditions, and all rights under any law, in your favour, with respect to our websites or website contents.

14.5 Fitness for purpose
Our website content has not been written to meet your individual requirements and it is your sole responsibility to satisfy yourself prior to ordering any products or services from us that they are suitable for your purposes.

14.6 No liability for business losses
Where you are a consumer, we have no liability to you for any losses relating to any business or occupation, including loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of business or contract, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.
In any other case, we shall not be liable to you for any loss damage or liability you suffer or incur as a result of visiting, browsing or using our website or website content, or the non-availability or interruption of our website or website content or relying on our website or website content. In particular, we shall not be liable for any loss, damage or liability suffered by or in relation to any business, profession, occupation or organisation, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such loss, including (a) loss of profit, revenue, contract, sales, goodwill, opportunity, wasted or additional expenditure, loss of bargain, loss of anticipated savings, business interruption, or liability to any third party and fines, in each case whether direct or not; or (b) for any losses or damages of any nature which are special, punitive, exemplary, indirect, incidental or consequential.

14.7 No liability for force majeure
We will not be liable for anything caused by event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control.

14.8 No liability unless our fault
We shall not be liable for any losses unless they are caused by any negligence, or breach of any law or legal or contractual obligation on our part. We shall not be liable for any losses caused by any act or omission on your part.

14.9 No liability for loss not foreseeable
We shall not be liable for any loss or damage which was not foreseeable.

14.10 Meaning of liability
References to our liability include our liability under or for breach of a contract, liability in negligence, liability under any statute or other law, liability for breach of statutory duty, or any other liability on whatever basis or howsoever arising, including (without limitation) where such liability arises out of or in connection with our websites, website content, and any services provided through them, your reliance on the same, or the non-availability or interruption of the same.

15. Changes to these terms

We may change these website terms of use at any time and from time to time without notice to you, including by publishing a new version on our website. You should check these terms for updates each time you visit our website to be sure that you are aware of any changes. Any change will be prospective only, and we will not make any changes that have retroactive effect unless legally required to do so. By continuing to use our websites after any such change you will be considered to have accepted the change.

16. Applicable Law And Disputes

These terms, your use of our websites, and any claim relating to our websites or based information on our websites is subject to the law of Italy, and you must bring any claims against us exclusively in the courts of Arezzo.

End of Document